Monday 30 April 2018

Tell our leaders the truth~Adoga Michael Oyilichi


Tell our leaders the truth. Don't hide under peanut and praise sing in the name of advocacy. What are you advocating for? 

Leader who have been in active politics since over 35years, no remarkable progress, yet not ready to relegate power to the younger ones (women inclusive), and our vibrant youths will be praising and labelling them "hope and face of women" how? 

When will the women come onboard.

The above is one of my reasons I said, Nigerian youths are not ready to liberate this nation from the hands of our illperformed parents cum leaders.

If I have a candidate to project, I owe that candidate a place for the truth, to further aid him or her to the right part. I can't stand too low to keep praising failures. 

Though, no one is perfect and no one can satisfy anyone (I mean anyone) except God. But incessant failure is subject to resignation and new ones giving the chance to also try their luck. 

Any leader who doesn't wish the younger women a chance in higher levels can never be called a face and hope of women. 

Some male leaders in this contemporary  world are becoming more caring when it comes to women issues. So male leaders can also be the face and  hope of women by creating enabling environment for women race to drive in all their endeavours without intimidation and harassment. 

Women are highly respected breed, they don't need to start enjoying the benefits of the race at old age or when leaders deemed it fit to offer such benefits to them. 

Women rise up, stand on your ground, say no to leaders that will cajole you to their benefits in the name of being your hope.  Your hope is in Christ Jesus 

Adoga Michael Oyilichi is my name
I stand with #generationnext that will secure the well being of my mothers, sisters, Fathers, Brothers and the nation at large. 


Chief Jude Ikaba Ngaji: The Man Behind The Lies~~Chief Jude Ngaji Media team.

Adoga Michael Oyi

In the buildup to the last US general elections, Donald J. Trump, the Republican candidate employed a simple but most effective strategy to imprint a message on the minds of the American electorates.

At every campaign ground, he would referred to his main challenger Hillary Clinton as “Crooked Hillary” and with time, his audience came to identify her as such.

Basic human psychology agrees that a lie frequently and consistently told, stands the risk of being labelled as Truth and the only way to debunk a lie is to prop up the Truth for all to see.

Nigeria  is currently in the news owing to the 2019 general elections  and it would appear parties/candidates are in a desperate race to negatively label opposing candidates in a bad light.

Some hired media team appear to have made a pact of denigrating the name of  Chief Jude  and it would seem they have borrowed a leaf from  Donald Trump in the way they consistently avoid telling the electorate what they intend to do but are busy labeling Jude Ngaji  a bad man and one given to unimaginable reveling.

From the way they constantly go about this, it would not be out of place to suggest that they equate insults on Chief Ngaji to a well thought out manifesto and one is constrained to wonder when the mundane can be discarded for real issues.

But who indeed is Jude Ikaba Ngaji?
Who is this man they daily insult and desperately frame a negative narrative around his person and way of life?
Who is the man behind the negative enemy-induced labels?

What is it about the man that inspires so much anger from naysayers and what are those things in his past that have moulded him into the man that he is today?

The household of Ngaji was one run on a strict regimen and young Jude had to wake up very early to join other family members in prayers before engaging in chores usually allotted by his mum and he still vividly recalls the great emphasis dad placed on punctuality, politeness, Truth no matter whose ox is gored and honesty.

He recalls being totally intrigued by that well known Yala  trait of never allowing a visitor depart without offering them something and this would eventually become a notable lifestyle of his as the years piled up.

It is this trait of giving and making visitors to his home comfortable that has recently been mischievously misconstrued by political opponents who have gone to town weaving tales of a man given to  merry making.

The same persons who were once recipients of his unimaginable benevolence are today the people spreading these wicked tales and you really have to wonder what such despicable minds hope to achieve.

Anyone who has had the good fortune of knowing this gentleman from his younger days  up till now would tell you that Chief Jude has not changed a bit from the jolly good fellow that he naturally is.

He still remains that giver whose doors remained wide open and was happiest when people of all hues and persuasions flocked to his home and he went about playing the perfect host.

Those who worked under him during Imoke still recall with nostalgia those weekends he “mandated” staff to converge at his home where he did what he loved best; hosting and essentially ensuring there were happy faces all around.

Such informal forums where staff could visit with their families soon provided a platform for bonding and it is a known fact that in terms of productivity in the office, Jude’s team far outranked the rest.

A  leader who never forcefully demanded loyalty and one who knew just how to maintain that delicate balance of being firm and resolute with a human face, Jude had the uncanny ability of effortlessly bringing out the best in his subordinates who found in him a team leader they could trust and felt motivated enough to give it their best shot.

Surely this Yala  boy never forgot his roots and the heritage of giving for which his people are known for to this day.

A noble and accommodating way of life that wicked people in high places have turned into a propaganda topic and pointing out his penchant for at least offering a point of substantial argument as evidence of his so-called life style.

It is this same determination that saw him ensuring Cross river state stayed afloat at a time most states were groaning under the full weight of security challenge.

It is this service-delivery mentality that has equally seen him consistently empowering people at a time others in most offices are wailing under the weight of months of unpaid emoluments.

His achievements never for a second stopped him from identifying with his roots and anyone that truly knows him would attest to his uncanny love for the Yala tradition and an almost single-minded penchant for promoting it anywhere in the world.

Among his faults is an unwavering disdain for pretence and with Jude, you know exactly where he stands on any issue but this trait is a major reason some suggest he is not really a politician of the Cross river mould.

It is one trait that has made him enemies of those who mean No when they openly say Yes but the introspective majority understand this to be one of the major secrets to his numerous successes in life.

Unlike core politicians versed in the art of deception, Jude would rather bury his head in work than spend valuable time hopping from one platform to the other trying to impress his audience on the need to view him as the next best Saint.

The majority have enough sense to go way beyond the well-packaged negativity and understand that it is practically impossible for a man to achieve so much in private life and yet be the monstrous  and wastrel these wicked people paint him out to be.

They know a child of destiny when they see one and are not perturbed when wicked men throw idle mud at him for they know men naturally hurl stones at the best, most succulent looking and ripest fruit on a tree.

But trust evil men in our midst to get mad over a father’s love for his son and we all witnessed the disgraceful ways they tried to negatively change the narrative by insisting that a father positioning his son is an act of imposition.

The truth is, there will be no end to the plots and sickening attempts to define Jude Ngaji on their own despicable terms but the sad reality is, the man they so desperately fixate about, doesn’t even have the luxury of time to be thinking about their next move.

You see, Jude is all about working and getting the job done and to give ear to these lame negative distractions is to be really distracted.

Ikaba is a yala name that talks about the supremacy of God in the affairs of men and the way this campaign is going, it would appear some men imagine they can play God and get away with it.

You see this in the way their supporters  stumps the length and breadth of the state, making idle boasts of their ability to win the next election.

You equally see this in the way the hired media faithful grandstand and tell anyone who cares to listen that they are the winning team and therefore, cannot lose.

But they forget that Jude  is a child of Destiny whose very rise has the stamp, God.

They forget that Destiny reached out to pick him at a time others were busy fighting themselves to sit on the same throne he never lobbied for.
They forget that this same God remains alive and is by far greater and stronger than whatever powers they think they wield.

Come the next senatorial election, this most maligned man shall once again offer himself for election and though the media  hawks and  hyenas are busy conjuring the next lie, Jude Ngaji shall yet prevail to the glory of God and eternal shame of all evil naysayers for no one can destroy an idea whose time has come!


Adoga Michael Oyi

I promised to write about what is killing people in Nigeria today. Nigerians should be focused on solving these problem instead of fighting over GMO they don't understand yet. These are what is causing most of the cancer going around now:

1.) Ripening agent for banana and plantain. Because people are in hurry to harvest their bananas and plantain. they spray it with Calcium carbide. This is a ripening agent and makes the plantain to ripen very quietly. It is extremely hazardous to the human body as it contains traces of arsenic and phosphorus.

So anytime you buy ripe plantain in the market chances are you are buying plantain ripened with Calcium carbide.

Solution: Buy unripe Plantains and Banana and keep it inside black plastic for few days, it will ripe naturally.

2.) Most Nigerian farmers, if not all of them use a chemical called "Sniper" as added ingredient for pest control. Sniper is potent and it scares me. It is a DDVP, 2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate compound. An organophosphate that readily binds to the lungs and kidney causing cancer. It is almost in everything you eat in Nigeria. Even the looters eat it too.

Solution: You are on your own here because it is everywhere.

3.) Weevil controls in Beans with Aluminum phosphide (AlP). This is the most dangerous food pollution in Nigeria. Because weevil can destroy the entire year harvest of the farmer in few days. They drop tablets of Aluminum Phosphide inside each bag of beans.

They think that one tablet is enough to drive weevils away from the bag of beans. Yes they are right, but that one tablet can drive weevil away from an entire Silo or 50 tone of beans. Do the maths yourselves.

Unfortunately, it is now one of the most common causes of food poisoning in Nigeria. It liberates lethal phosphine gas when it comes in contact either with atmospheric moisture or with hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Solution: Eat beans with Weevils.

4.) Chicken from China preserved using embalming substance. The same used to embalm dead bodies in Nigeria.This is cancer causing substance that will kill you slowing. How else do you think chicken gets to Nigeria from China without proper cooling system.

Solution: Eat only local chicken. don't buy frozen chicken. if you can't see it running around don't buy it.

The farmers don't want to kill people, but they are uneducated and don't know what they are doing and besides, they don't have tools to deal with the challenges they have.

This is why the European Union, United States don't want to have the Beans,Cocoa, Plantain and Pineapples from Nigeria. It has nothing to do with racism or because they are evil white people. They have warned Nigeria several times to clean up her food.

But we no dey hear word.

PDP Tackles APC over Alleged N6bn Convention Budget

Adoga Michael Oyi

PDP supporters raising the party's flag
Ruling party dismisses allegations
By Onyebuchi Ezigbo in Abuja
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has asked the All Progressives Congress (APC) to stop lying to Nigerians over alleged move by the ruling party to mop up N250 million from its governors to fund the activities of its convention.
The opposition party accused APC of attempting to divert N6bn meant for the development of states under their control to finance their forthcoming national convention.
In a statement issued by its National Publicity Secretary, Kola Ologbondiyan, PDP said it was unbecoming that an administration that has been accusing others of corruption and publishing fabricated ‘looters’ lists’ would try to deceive Nigerians and divert public attention from their sleazes.
“APC is corrupt. Our investigation revealed that many of the APC governors are being coerced under the orders of the presidency and the leadership of the party to move in huge sums of money in cash into the APC coffers, bulk of which have already been frittered away by corrupt leaders in the party and agents of the presidency.
“More saddening is that the money is being pulled from funds derived from federal bailouts and other monies budgeted for critical development projects in various communities, many of which have now been stalled, leaving the people deprived and impoverished.
“It is appalling that this is the same party and administration that have been accusing others of corruption and publishing fabricated ‘looters’ lists’ just to deceive Nigerians and divert public attention from their sleazes.
“We challenge the APC to publish the names of the governors, ministers and other APC political office holders, who have already brought in money as well as inform the nation on why they are moving the money in cash contrary to financial regulations, if the source is not proceeds of corrupt activities.
PDP said the APC and President Muhammadu Buhari have refused to open up on the sources of funds for their very expensive 2015 presidential campaign, which have been revealed to have been stolen from states under their control.
“This time, they are again coercing governors to steal money meant for development and payment of salaries to finance their 2019 campaign.
“What many Nigerians are yet to know is that the APC actually plans to rake in a total of N14 billion from government coffers, out of which it has already planned to procure expensive cars for their national officers as well as share to their leaders close to President Buhari.
PDP further said that its findings showed that the N671 million recently reported to have been stolen from APC account by some national officers who allegedly moved the sum to their private accounts is linked to diverted public funds.
“There is documentary evidence and the APC has failed to offer explanations to Nigerians on that.
“The APC reeks and is completely guilty as it reasonably ought to have known that the funds it has been receiving form part of illegal activities of government officials who have been diverting funds from states and government agencies, particularly the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) to fund the wasteful lifestyle of their party leaders and the 2019 re-election bid,” PDP said.
On its part, the PDP said it has reformed and re-branded, as a political party, and remained open. It challenged the APC to declare same.
After denying the allegations last Saturday, the APC again yesterday dismissed it.
It said it never asked its governors to contribute N250 million each to enable it organised the forthcoming congresses and convention.
The party in a statement issued by it National Publicity Secretary, Mallam Bolaji Abdulahi, explained that what transpired during the meeting of the National Working Committee (NWC) and the governors of the party held at the party’s secretariat last Thursday was that many of its governors were behind schedule in the payment of their party dues.
According to the spokesman, while some of the governors have been up-to-date with the payments, a few others have not paid at all.
He said the governors were therefore requested to pay up, especially in view of upcoming party activities.
“It is therefore possible that a governor that falls in the category of those that has not paid since inception could owe up to N250million. Therefore, it is grossly misleading, if not downright malicious, for your report to simply apply this sum to everyone and multiply by the number of governors.
“For avoidance of doubts, party dues are paid by all members of the party holding positions, either by election or appointment. Therefore, members of the National Assembly as well as cabinet ministers also remit a percentage of their earnings to the party
Meanwhile, the ruling party has made public its audited account for the 2015 election year.
The audited account which was obtained by THISDAY at the weekend, APC puts its total expenditure for year 2015 at N2,382,669,973. Regarding the election expenses, APC said it spent N676,078,349 during the 2015 elections.

FIRS Nets N1.171tn in First Quarter

By Ndubuisi Francis in Abuja

The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has collected a total revenue of N1.171 trillion in the first quarter (Q1) of 2018, which is N393 billion higher than the N778.1 billion collected during the corresponding period in 2017.
The N1.171 trillion collection in the first quarter of 2018 (between January and March) represented a 51 per cent increase in collection compared to 2017.
The Executive Chairman, FIRS, Mr. Tunde Fowler, gave the figures in Lagos at the weekend, at the 2018 Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) annual dinner and awards.
In a statement, the FIRS’ Head,
Communications and Servicom Department, Mr. Wahab Gbadamosi quoted Fowler as saying that
good taxpayers who are doing their duties conscientiously, by paying taxes as and when due, would make Nigeria great again.
The Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun, who was also conferred with the ICAN merit award, in the members’ category, was a rare endorsement of some of the change initiatives under President Muhammadu Buhari.

Herdsmen killings: Wole Soyinka speaks, tells FG what to do

Adoga Michael Oyi

Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka has called on the Federal Government to do more to end attacks and killings allegedly by criminal herdsmen in parts of the country.
According to the News Agency of Nigeria, Soyinka, who made the call in a statement in Lagos on Sunday, said recurring cases of alleged criminal herdsmen unleashing terror on communities, leaving in their trail tears and blood, required lasting interventions.
Soyinka acknowledged that a few armed herdsmen had been apprehended by security agencies but said that was not enough to put a stop to the mayhem by the criminals.
He said there were so many of the criminals hiding in the forests which needed to be tracked down by security agencies.
The Nobel Laureate expressed regrets that some communities had been sacked by the criminals, causing residents to flee.
He said there was the need to order the invaders out or drive them away and provide security for safe return of residents.
Soyinka called for justice and restitution for victims of herdsmen attacks, saying that would give them some succour.
“We must go beyond arresting a token of herdsmen caught with arms as there are still hundreds of them in the forests.
“It is not enough to back the anti-open grazing law,so late in the day, but we shall leave that for later.
“Right now, the violated and the dispossessed demand restitution and with no further delay or subterfuge.
“All available forces should be deployed to right the hideous, unprecedented wrong that has left the nation drowning in blood. We simply cannot continue one day longer to watch this forceful feeding of human blood,” he said.
He also called on the agencies to track down and identify the sponsors of the criminals in order to curb their activities.
Soyinka wished “those who laboured for humanity ”a Happy May Day”, adding that he was optimistic that the solutions to the security challenges would come in no distant time.

Bill Gates, Peter Obi in sync

Adoga Michael Oyi

WHEN one of the world’s richest men visited Nigeria recently, his firm advice to Nigeria’s Federal Government was straight – your Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, ERGP is faulty! Bill Gates was speaking on his last visit to Africa’s biggest economy intended primarily at seeing the first-hand progress the country is making on primary healthcare provision, polio eradication, nutrition and financial inclusion.
The American, who is the co-chair of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was speaking at an expanded National Economic Council, NEC, presided over by Vice-President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo. He added that Nigeria’s fiscal situation was at a low equilibrium.
Bill Gates
Gates, whose foundation has invested more than $1.6 billion in the country should know what he was talking about. A man whose networth($91 billion) is over four times Nigeria’s annual budget is not one any sane person will take his economic assessment lightly.
Expanding, the former Microsoft chairman said: “If you invest in their health, education and opportunities, the human capital we are talking about today, then they will lay the foundation for sustained prosperity. If you don’t, however, then it is very important to recognise that there will be a sharp limit on how much the country can grow.’’
Gates was talking to state governments too, particularly in the area of Education.
But before Gate’s coming, one man has been screaming while making speeches at various platforms and stages about investing heavily in Education. He has been visiting various schools all over the nation and even beyond our shores to preach education, education, education. His constant reminders that our country has unpardonable number of nearly 11million out-of-school children at a time the world is moving from baggage to knowledge economy has become a lyrical song every of his keen followers knows by heart. He doesn’t just stop there – this man many describe as one who came far ahead of his generation, makes personal donations of nothing less than N1 million to each of the schools he has visited…and believe it, he has visited many and not planning to stop visiting any time soon. His name is Peter Obi.
But he didn’t just wake up to start preaching about getting quality education. He was a governor for eight years and while piloting the affairs of his dear state of Anambra, he didn’t spare resources to enhance the schools, adequately funded and provided conducive environment for quality learning. His policy in education was so aggressive that those close to him whispered that nothing gave him more sleepless nights than the continuous battle to completely turn around what he met on ground. And what did he meet? A state ranked 26th in performance rating amongst the 36 states of the nation! Obi was not one who could settle for anything short of excellence, much less below average. So he went to work.
Salaries, gratuities, pensions to teachers were cleared and paid promptly, dilapidated school buildings were renovated and many new blocks built, teachers were getting adequately re-trained and facilities like laboratories effectively equipped. But after two years, the performance rating via external examination results did not improve accordingly. So he took a very unpopular lane – return schools to the original owners – missions. This lane was so lonely that the first time he introduced it at his State Executive Council meeting, nearly 70 per cent of the 30-man committee voted against such move. The state chapter of Nigeria Union of Teachers, NUT, threatened war against the governor for daring to even dream of such.
But with a very assured foresight, the governor put on his diplomatic cap and started wooing, explaining the advantages of such drastic move to the relevant ears. Eventually, he made the announcement, weathered all negative storms, doled out a massive N6 billion to schools to facilitate adequate funding. The highlights of his commitment could be summarised as follows…
Distribution of over 35,000 laptops/desktops to over 450 schools, first time ever in the history of the state; Equipping of over 450 schools with Microsoft Academy, Internet connectivity and power generators; Building, rehabilitation and equipping of over 200 schools with functional science laboratories; Distribution of over 750 brand new buses to schools; Provision of boreholes for over 300 schools; Construction and renovation of over 1,500 classroom blocks with many more under construction; Erection of over 40 new buildings at Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli and Igbariam Campuses and Nwafor Orizu College of Education; Provision of N5 billion to Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University to improve standards of learning; And many more.
Three years after handing schools over to missions with providing adequate funds to support such firm move, Anambra rose majestically to number one position in performance rating and stayed there until he left office. Three consecutive years!
But perhaps the most striking thing this man many prefer to call Okwute did was how he prepared for continuity of this very laudable landmark before leaving office. Many are now aware that he saved $156 million in three banks before he handed over on March 17, 2014.
Many still ask why save in dollars?
The reasoning behind saving in Foreign Currency was necessitated by a number of issues as follows; After Mr. Obi’s government studied the Chinese phenomenal achievements as the world was coming to the end of MDGs, they learned that the Chinese Regional governments were able to attract a number of investments because of the ability to contribute or partner with the investors in setting up productive facilities within their regions. For example, some of them effectively made equity contributions of 10 – 20 per cent, which they were able to achieve due to their robust savings.
So, for a man attracted to financial astuteness, effective planning and management, Obi and his team calculated that if the state would be able to save a particular amount ($18 – $20 million yearly) as they did in eight years, up until 2030 at the average interest rate of a little over 6 per cent, the state would be able to achieve about $1 billion in savings and earnings. The state would then use about 50 per cent of this amount to attract investment, considering that the average Chinese Small and Medium scale Enterprise, SME, for example, was set up with about $2 million. The goal under Obi was that if the state would be able to invest 25 per cent in each enterprise, which is $500,000, they would be able to achieve 1000 SME facilities scattered all over the state, which would jump-start aggressive economic growth within the state, especially as income from oil is coming to an end.
Additionally, they were seeking for a 40-year non-interest loan of $120 million from the World Bank, especially targeted at supporting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics , STEM, education and tackling the devastating erosion problem in the state. The idea of $40 million education loan was hatched based on the United Nations report that there would be about 20 million job vacancies in the fields related to STEM studies by the year 2020, and having critically observed the state’s solid achievements in education, the World Bank readily agreed to provide this facility while the $80 million was to effectively tackle the erosion menace around the state.
Even though the World Bank approved the $40 million for Education and initial $40 million for erosion, Obi’s administration did not draw down from it. These facilities were to kick-start with the government he was handing over and he and his team were certain that savings in foreign currency would help the state in meeting up with her obligations of payment without any impediment to her financial stability.
This is because the state would have so much still left after meeting with the obligations.
Since the state was going to pay this money in the future, Obi and his team carefully projected and started saving. Because the state was going to earn a N1billion by the time the loan matures; $500 million would go to these SMEs, $200 million to education and others, $300 million would be left. Everything being equal, by 2050, the state would be hitting almost $2 billion.
Meanwhile, there would be 1,000 SMEs out there, which about 80%of them would survive, and if they do, they shall be producing for export that would change the state. And more, STEM and other aspects of education would have firmly rooted to have a very vibrant society with very close to 100% literacy level.
This is what Obi planned for his state, saved painstakingly with his team for the future of her children. Gates was calling for such commitment in the human capital development while speaking in Abuja. Unfortunately, we live in a system where people don’t think about tomorrow, don’t plan for future generations. Someone just gets up and say, ‘’oh they are talking about savings…if I want, I can take all of them, put the state in debt before leaving.’’
But with a voice as loud as Gates’ firmly calling in tune with the former governor’s ideals, it is never late for our various tiers of government at all levels to firmly embrace massive investment in education as a priority policy.
Tai Emeka Obasi wrote in from Ozubulu.

Coalition Demands Zoning of Lagos APC Chairmanship Post

Adoga Michael Oyi

President Buhari discussing with APC National Chairman, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun at the NEC meeting in Abuja on Monday

Coalition of Lagos Progressives in the All Progressives Congress (APC) has demanded that the party should allow the chairmanship of the party in the state to rotate to other senatorial zones.
The coalition said besides the position rotating, Chief Henry Ajomale, the state chairman of the party, should step aside after 14 years as chairman of the Action Congress (AC), the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) and the APC.
The group said there was need for change in the system not only in the interest of fair play, but in order to inject new blood in the system.
According to the group in a statement signed by Mr. Taoridi Jinadu Akapo, “Lagos State is a state of extraordinary diversity and as such, one of extraordinary complexities. These complexities are a reflection of the avalanche of ethno-cultural and socio-political groups co-habiting the territory and the intricacies of interaction among them.
“Indeed, Nigeria adventure into pluralism of religious and ethnic diversities owes its origin to colonial conquest which permeated the entire continent of Africa begninng from the Lagos Colony which is presently known and called either Lagos Division or Lagos senatorial district.
“Perhaps cognisance of the existence of latest threats to the future political stability of the emergent nation-state, the founding fathers were desirous of a system of government that would neutralise the political threats and accommodate the divergent interest of the various socio-political groups. This desire eventually found expression in the power sharing/power rotation arrangement in its system of politics and government as a diversity management technique.
“But it must be stated here that, with the advent of the 1999 political formation, there has been a profound change in the practice of party politics in the state in the sense that, the system has been practiced in an awkward manner and this has called into question the manner of a lopsided power sharing/representation formula.
“Given this background and against the fact that the operation of the system per se started 1999, what is the continued relevance of the power sharing/representation idea in Lagos State? This is against the background of hiccups experience so far with the system and its attendant implications for political stability. Further to the above question, what are the sources of the present worry over adaptability of the system power sharing/representation in Lagos State and what are the future hopes for politically stability when the most prosperous part is being relegated into obscurity and odium?
“The practice of liberal democracy is overshadowed by the clamours for political zoning and other power-sharing arrangements as mechanisms for zonal and administrative balancing. This has been alluded to the capacity of such informalities for conflict mitigation and consensus formation in plural societies. Drawing motivation from this, is a traditional paradigm of power rotation among the administrative divisions of Lagos State comprising Ikeja, Badagry, Ikorodu, Lagos and Epe (IBILE) Divisions. We base our demand on the conventional practice of zoning and rotational access to political power intersect with identity politics and the ideals of liberal democracy in Nigeria.

2019: Buhari healthy, fit to seek re-election — Lai Mohammed

Adoga Michael Oyi

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, has assured the international community that President Muhammadu Buhari was healthy and fit to seek re-election in 2019.
Mohammed, who had been on tour of major media houses and think-tank in the US, said there was nothing to fear about Buhari’s health as he declared his intention to seek re-election.
The minister was first in Washington, D.C. and later in New York, where he explained that President Buhari’s administration had done very well and recorded so many achievements in less than three years.
He visited CNN, New York Times, Voice of America, Washington Post, Washington Times; Al Jazeera, Reuters, Wall Journal Street, and Atlantic Council and the Foreign Relations Council.
He told News Agency of Nigeria: “I think the exchange has been quite robust. We’ve spoken on a wide range number of issues from security to the economy to the fight against corruption.
“In particular, the interview dwelt more on insecurity and also they were interested to know why the president wants to seek re-election and whether he is fit to run given the concerns about his health.
“Of course, I explained to them that it is those who have a morbid fear about president coming back in 2019 that are flying this kite about his health.
“But his health is very good, since he came back in August, he’s feeling very well, he’s never missed a single Federal Executive Council meeting or cancelled any schedule and his schedules have been very hectic.
“He has faced his presidential duties with vigour, urgency and purpose. Therefore, there’s nothing to fear about his health.”
Under Jonathan, Boko Haram strolled into Abuja at will
On Boko Haram, Mohammed recalled that four years ago, the insurgents strolled into Abuja at will under former President Goodluck Jonathan’s government, stressing that residents of Maiduguri now had a better lease of life, compared to what obtained under that government.
He said: “The important thing is that we made them understand that the unfortunate incident of kidnap of the Dapchi schoolgirls and the recent suicide bombings are not reflective of actually the success of the government in fighting Boko Harm.
“When the government says Boko Haram is defeated, it is from the context of what it was when it came in and what we are today. People have forgotten that less than three or four years ago, people in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, could not sleep with their two eyes closed.
“That four years ago, the insurgents used to stroll into Abuja at will and no building was sacred to them. I mean they were so bold they attacked the Force Headquarters.
“They attacked the UN headquarters, they attacked newspapers head office, Nyanya motor park was attacked twice and states and towns like Suleja, Kano, Sokoto, Kogi, Borno, were game for them. So, when we say we have defeated Boko Haram, it is precisely what we mean.”

Omokri Wants Trump to Question Buhari on Corruption in His Administration

Adoga Michael Oyi

A former aide to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, Mr. Reno Omokri, has urged United States President, Donald Trump, to question President Muhammadu Buhari on corruption in his administration, stressing that the US president should ask questions on what happened to the missing $330 million on 12 Super Turano combat planes whose purchase President Buhari authorised by withdrawing $462 million from the Excess Crude Account without due process.
Omokri said in a statement yesterday that contrary to the lie that the constantly fallacious Buhari administration published in their press release, President Buhari will not be the first African leader US President Donald Trump will meet at the White House, adding that President Trump met Egypt’s Al-Sisi at the White House on April 2, 2017.
He added that President Trump had also met Rwandan President, Paul Kagame on January 26, 2018, though not at the White House, but at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where he told Kagame that it was “an honour to have you as a friend”
Omokri questioned the desperation of the presidency to boast that meeting Trump at the White House was a great achievement, and also the lies that it was the first meeting the US President would be having with an African leader at the White House.
Omokri alleged that pundits of international affairs knew that President Buhari was actually going to the United States to be reprimanded, adding that this belief accounted for the damning report on the increase in human rights abuse and corruption released by the US last week.

36 States Generated N931bn IGR against N3.3tn from Federation Account in 2017

Adoga Michael Oyi

Lagos generated more IGR than 30 states combined
The Economic Confidential has released its Annual States Viability Index (ASVI) which shows that 17 states are insolvent as their internally generated revenues (IGR) in 2017 were far below 10 per cent of their receipts from the Federation Account Allocations (FAA) in the same year.
The index carefully and painstakingly computed proved that without the monthly disbursement from the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC), many states remain unviable, and cannot survive without the federally collected revenue, mostly from the oil sector.
The IGR is generated by states through Pay-As-You-Earn Tax (PAYE), Direct Assessment, Road Taxes and revenues from Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).
The report by this economic intelligence magazine further indicates that the IGR of Lagos State of N333billion is higher than that of 30 states put together whose Internally Generated Revues are extremely low and poor compared to their allocations from the Federation Account.
The states with impressive over 30 per cent IGR apart from Lagos are Ogun, Rivers, Edo, Kwara, Enugu and Kano States who generated N607billion in total, while the remaining states merely generated a total of N327billion in 2017.
Recently, the magazine published the total allocations received by each state in Nigeria from the Federation Account Allocation (FAA) between January to December 2017. The latest report on IGR reveals that only Lagos and Ogun States generated more revenue than their allocations from the Federation Account by 165 per cent and 107 per cent respectively and no any other state has up to 100 per cent of IGR to the federal largesse.
The IGR of the 36 states of the federation totalled N931billion in 2017 as compared to N801.95 billion in 2016, an increase of N130 billion.
While the report provides shocking discoveries the states with less than 10 per cent IGR have jumped to 17 from 14 states in the previous year 2016.

Trump is hosting the president of Africa's biggest oil state

Adoga Michael Oyi

President Donald Trump is hosting Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari at the White House Monday.
The event will mark Trump's first official visit from an African head of state.
Last April, the Trump administration tied up a $600 million deal with Nigeria over the sale of military aircraft intended to be used in the fight against Islamic extremist group Boko Haram.
President Donald Trump is hosting Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari at the White House Monday in what will be his first official visit from an African head of state.
The "struggle against Islamic terrorism in the Sahel," an area to the far north of Nigeria, as well as a "White House attempt to make nice to Africa after a series of false steps," could be part of the agenda, John Campbell, U.S. ambassador to Nigeria from 2004 to 2007 and now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, told CNBC last week. Campbell emphasized that his suggestions were just "speculation" and that he has no connection with the present U.S. administration.
In January of this year Trump is alleged to have referred to African nations as "s---hole countries,.
Aisha Oyebode, a founder of the Bring Back Our Girls movement, speaks in Lagos, Nigeria, on April 13, 2018, ahead of the fourth anniversary of the kidnapping of over 200 schoolgirls.
The invite to Buhari was issued earlier this month, with the intention for both leaders to discuss promoting economic growth, fighting terrorism and "building on Nigeria's role as a democratic leader in the region," a White House communique said .
Nigeria has seen its economy hammered in recent years by the volatile oil price, plunging into its first annual recession in 25 years in 2016. Gross domestic product growth for 2018 is forecast to be 2.1 percent by the
International Monetary Fund .
Nonetheless, Nigeria competes with South Africa for the title of the largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa and is the continent's most populous nation, with 200 million inhabitants.
Last April, the Trump administration tied up a $600 million deal with Nigeria over the sale of military aircraft intended to be used in the fight against Islamic extremist group Boko Haram. The deal dates back to former President Barack Obama 's tenure, but was delayed over human rights concerns.
Nigeria imports most from China, whose share of total imports accounts for more than double that of the U.S., according to the World Bank .
Buhari's last foreign visit was to London for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting last week, at which he said he'd met with Shell for talks to help secure a potential $15 billion investment in his country.
Buhari, 75, is a former military leader. He was elected president in 2015 in what signified the first time an opposition party had won an election in Nigeria. Earlier this month it was announced that Buhari would contest the presidency once again when Nigeria heads to the polls next year.
"For Buhari it is advantageous to be seen to be active at the highest world stage while his campaign for re-election in 2019 builds steam," Philip Walker, Nigeria analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, told CNBC.

Melaye reacts to failed recall

Adoga Michael Oyi

Sen . Dino Melaye has thanked the people of his constituency for “ rising to his defence ” by shunning the verification exercise held on April 28 to recall him from the Senate.
Melaye , in a statement issued in Lokoja on Sunday, also thanked the political leaders , elders and traditional rulers in Kogi West for “ rescuing him from his political enemies .”
He also expressed gratitude to the media , observers , civil society groups , security agents and other stakeholders “ for resisting to be used against the wishes of the people of his constituency” .
The statement was signed by Mr Gideon Ayodele, Special Assistant on Media to Melaye .
“ We thank all democratic partners who have resisted the attempted external political robbery and brazen impunity from raising its most ugly head.
“ We commend the resolve of our people who have by their popular wish and wisdom and political independence rejected the selfish and satanic recall .
Read More : Shunning of Melaye recall exercise a verdict on APC – PDP
“ The verification exercise has come and gone and the people of Kogi west have willingly exercised their franchise by re - validating the election of Sen Dino Melaye , ” the lawmaker said .
According to him , the exercise no doubt , has shown that power truly belongs to the people .
“ We wish to equally , commend INEC for resisting forgery in some parts while the exercise was going on , and for finally allowing the wish of the people to prevail as expressed , ” it said .
He urged the proponents of his recall to accept the results in good faith and face the task of providing the elusive democratic dividends to the people .
The senator, however , advised his supporters to remain calm and humble in the face of victory and avoid hot arguments or action that may lead to the breakdown of law and order .
The News Agency of Nigeria ( NAN ) reports that the result of the verification released early Sunday in Lokoja by the Independent National Electoral Commission ( INEC ) showed that 39 , 285 of the signatories were verified , out of which only 18 , 762 signatures were genuine .
The genuine signatories represent a dismal 5 .34 per cent of the total signatories to the petition , which fell short of 51 per cent or 98 , 364 signatures required for the petition to sail through .

Tinubu, Saraki in dramatic handshake [PHOTO]

Adoga Michael Oyi The

 The national leader of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu and the President of the Senate, Dr Bukola Saraki, dramatically exchanged handshake on Saturday.
This happened at a book launch in honour of the Emir of Gwandu, Alhaji Muhammadu Illiasu Bashar,
held at the Waziri Umaru Federal Polytechnic, Birnin-Kebbi.
The former Lagos Governor arrived the venue of the book launch in company of Governors Abubakar Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi State and Aminu Masari of Katsina State.
They were seated before Saraki’s arrival.
A mild drama, however, ensued when the Senate President arrived and went straight to greet Tinubu by extending his hand which threw other guests into laughter.
Tinubu also rose up instantly and stretched his hand towards him and both shook hands in a manner that drew applause from watching guests.
There have been rancour between the two APC chieftains since 2015 when Saraki became the Senate President.

Threat to impeach Buhari: Presidency targets 15 senators over alleged corruption

Adoga Michael Oyi

Sometime in September, 2002, during a breakfast interview inside Aso Rock Presidential Villa with then embattled President Olusegun Obasanjo, at the height of the move to impeach him, the former President made a startling revelation. While responding to a question about the agreement he was alleged to have signed to protect the North and give it special status during his presidency, Obasanjo jumped from his seat and headed straight to his bedroom. In about five minutes, he returned to continue the interview with a document he claimed were the minutes of the meeting between himself and some elders and political leaders from the North.
The former President spoke about how he, the late Dr. Alex Ifeanyichukwu Ekwueme, Alabo Graham-Douglas, Jim Nwobodo, Francis Ella, all presidential aspirants under the umbrella of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, had been grilled at separate sessions at Agura Hotel in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja, in February 1999, on the eve of the party’s presidential convention slated for Jos, Plateau State capital. He said he refused to sign the document, insisting that he would be President of all Nigerians and not just a section. According to the minutes sighted that morning, other aspirants were alleged to have signed – although each had to come out forcefully to deny ever doing anything of such.
The publication of the revelation caused some northern elders, who were named in that parley, to first deal with the opprobrium of such an ambush. Many others, including former heads of state, had to prevail on some members and then Speaker Ghali Umar Na’Abba leadership of the House of Representatives to overlook Obasanjo’s serial acts of indiscretion and constitutional breaches which, in the estimation of the House, constituted gross misconduct and, therefore, amounted to impeachable offences.
What came out of that tiff was that then President Obasanjo began to learn how to conduct himself in a more constitutional manner – at least, until 2005 when the bug of sit-tight bite him – leading to the failed Third Term Agenda. That was 2002.
Buhari’s Nigeria
Last week, some senators – mind you, it was not the Senate – rose to seek to institute impeachment proceedings against President Muhammadu Buhari. Whereas the President had suffered a massive loss of goodwill from the senators – in fact, from the National Assembly, NASS – as had never been seen in this 4th Republic, it all came to a head last week when Buhari sent a letter to the NASS, informing it of his approval and payment of $496million to the US government for the purchase of TUCANO fighter jets.
With what some have described as a convincing reason, Mr. President said the need to quickly utilise the window passed by the American legislature to sell the warplanes to Nigeria – after years of embargo – constituted a compelling reason why the approval was made before the request was placed before the NASS. Even before the senators took umbrage, the House of Representatives had gone through a similar motion of voicing out its displeasure and pointing out the possible consequence of the President’s action.
For the now notorious Tucano jets, the hurried payment to the Americans, the shenanigans of voicing an impeachment move and the needless overheating of the polity, some questions would need to be answered:
Can the money that has been spent be retrieved?
Can a spent money be re-appropriated?
Was the timeline a 24/48-hour issue such that the Presidency could not place a request before the NASS before making the extra-budgetary payment?
Was there really no time for the President to make the request before spending the money?
Could Buhari have followed due process?
Can Nigeria today afford the distraction of impeachment proceedings?
Can the NASS truly muster the required constitutional mandate to carry out an impeachment?
Interestingly, Section 143(11) empowers the NASS to determine what an impeachable offence is or what constitutes gross misconduct.
House of Representatives Committee Chairman on Rules, Hon. Emmanuel Orker-Jev, said he’s not an apologist of bad behaviour but resorting to impeachment, which, by its very nature, is cumbersome, would be a distraction as the country approaches next year’s elections. “Nigerians should be able to decide at the polls whether this is the country they want and whether the President is taking them in the right direction”, Orkar-Jev pointed out.
Whereas there are many who believe and, therefore, insist that Buhari may have breached the laws of the land, their position is that pursuing an impeachment now is not the answer. Senator Shehu Sani is of the view that impeachment is not the answer, even though he believes that the money should be returned.
A Senate Under Siege
Perhaps, unlike Obasanjo, who was being told to sign a pact, Buhari is under no such pre-conditions.
However, part of the angst of the legislators, particularly senators, is that some of them have been harassed and targeted by the state in recent times and some believe that not a few more may still be targeted by the executive under whose control are the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC; the Department of State Services, DSS; the police and other such instruments of coercion.
Apart from the on-going saga of the garrulous and sometimes reckless Dino Melaye, who is accused of supplying guns to a group of hoodlums after he reported a case of attack on him, Senator Sani, from Kaduna State, is also being insinuated into the commission of a criminal offence by the police. Sani has been invited by the police.
In addition, Senator Isa Misau is facing criminal charges for criticizing the Inspector General of Police, IGP.
In the case of Senator Abdullahi Adamu, he and his son are believed to be facing charges at the EFCC. In fact, his detractors are quick to allege this as a major influencing factor in his support for Buhari.
Sen. Peter Nwaoboshi is being tried in court by the EFCC, and, currently, being remanded in prison.
There are other senators who are suspected of having or are being targets of possible investigations.
They include but are not limited to Senators Danjuma Goje, Aliyu Wamakko, Murtala Nyako and Jonah Jang.
Then there is the on-going investigation into the assets of Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremmadu and Senate President Bukola Abubakar Saraki, whose case at the Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT, is yet to be concluded.
Interestingly, Senator Rabiu Musa Kwakanso, who was prevented from entering Kano State by the authorities, is also said to be a possible target of investigation.
Indeed, this sense of siege fuels a natural angst from the Red Chamber of the NASS.
Way Out
Enter the All Progressives Congress, APC.
The role of a political party – with or without a majority in the legislative chambers – is to serve as a guide for members.
It is also the responsibility of a political party to wield the disparate and separate interests into one with a view to stabilising both the polity and the government of which it is in charge. Unfortunately for the APC, it has not been able to abide by its own constitution. The simple business of conducting its national convention has become a somewhat messy endeavour. Even as at the time of going to press, the convention, that was slated for May 14, 2018, has been postponed.
Then there is the control of both chambers of the legislature. Curiously, it is the party members who have constituted themselves into the opposition.
The issue of the anticipatory approval granted by Buhari could have been better handled by the APC and its members in such a manner that, by the time the matter gets to the NASS, a majority vote would have urged for a doctrinal enterprise based on necessity.
As matters stand now, it would amount to a fools’ errand to continue to collect signatures with a view to setting in motion an impeachment move.
In addition, the perception of the NASS members as being the problem of this republic is yet to abate; therefore, any move seen to be against Buhari – with or without prejudice to some of his missteps – may meet with public opprobrium.
When such comes to shove and the Presidency decides to bare its fangs, it would be difficult to find many of the legislators standing on two feet by the time the ill-wind would have blown. This is not a call to a Gestapo-like approach on the part of the Presidency but the contemporary realities of the day, where court judgements about people in detention are wilfully disobeyed, where media trial of public office holders is the order of the day, the prospects for NASS members is not glowing.
Yet, it must be said that Buhari and his coterie of appointees should endeavour to always act in accordance with the provisions of the 1999 Constitution and stop treating matters of national importance with levity and disdain. A country not guided by its own laws is beckoning at anarchy, the consequences of which will definitely be grave for all.
The myopic understanding and appreciation of the matter in some quarters, an appreciation supposedly based on Buhari’s good intentions may be regretted when another ruler applies the same unconstitutional acts for devious intentions. That will be the day.

Home of Nwodo, President of Ohanaeze Ndigbo bombed

Adoga Michael Oyi

The country home of the embattled President General of the Ohanaeze Ndigbo, Chief John Nnia Nwodo at Ukehe in Enugu State, was on Sunday rocked by bomb blast.
DAILY POST reports that Nwodo’s leadership of Ohanaeze has been enmeshed with serious crisis for several months now.
According to the Enugu State Police, the blast emanated from an Improvised Explosive Device, IED, which was thrown into his house by unknown persons from outside his compound.
The explosion, which destroyed part of his building, left the the ceiling and windows of the house shattered.
Media Adviser to the President General, Chief Emeka Attamah, who confirmed the attack said that the Enugu State Commissioner of Police, Danmallam Mohammed, accompanied by the Area Commander for Nsukka Police Command and the Divisional Police Officer for Igbo Etiti LGA, were there to inspect the scene of the blast which created a crater in the compound.
Addressing the people who tripped to Chief Nwodo’s home, the Commissioner enjoined them to always be vigilant and to report any strange faces to security operatives.
Danmallam who described Enugu State as very peaceful, wondered why some miscreants would be after the life of Chief Nwodo who he said is only serving his people.
He added that what happened was a sign for the need for greater security around him.
The Commissioner ordered that security be beefed up in and around Chief Nwodo’s compound and promised that the perpetrators would soon be identified and brought to justice.
Earlier, the Commander of the Bomb Disposal Unit, DSP John Aniche, had briefed the Commissioner and Chief Nwodo on the items they collected from the scene, including batteries, pellets and other materials used in preparing the IED.

BREAKING: Kogi Governor, Yahaya Bello speaks on Dino Melaye’s arrest (VIDEO) POLITICS

Governor of Kogi state, Yahaya Bello has parted lips on the recent arrest of Senator Dino Melaye, Bello and Melaye have been at loggerheads for several months now with rumours that he has a hand in Melaye’s current ordeal with the Police.
In the video monitored by PoliticsNGR, the Governor told newsmen that he read about Melaye’s ordeal in the newspapers adding that “let the law enforcement officials do their job”.
Watch the video Below;

Snap shot: When spaghetti helped Liverpool beat Roma

Adoga Michael Oyi

Liverpool edged out semi-final opponents Roma to win the European Cup in 1984. We turn back the clock. Liverpool will return to the scene of one of their most famous triumphs on Wednesday when they line up against Roma in the UEFA Champions League semi-final second leg.
It was at the Stadio Olimpico where they broke Roma hearts in the 1984 final. Phil Neal put the English side ahead, but Roberto Pruzzo equalised and ultimately it hinged on penalties. Step forward Bruce Grobbelaar, the Zimbabwean's 'spaghetti legs' routine a memorable feature of a shoot-out in which two Roma players missed, enabling the Reds to win their fourth European Cup in eight years.
All the latest ahead of the second leg
1. Craig Johnston
A hard-working midfielder, Johnston's Anfield highlights included the European Cup triumph in 1984 and a domestic double two years later. Born in Johannesburg and raised in Australia, he retired in 1988 aged 27 to care for his sister Faye, who had suffered brain damage as a result of a holiday accident. He later pursued an array of business interests, most notably designing football boots, and is now a photographer, a hobby he took up as a player in the 1970s.
2. Mark Lawrenson
An elegant centre-back, Lawrenson formed a fine partnership with Alan Hansen at the heart of the Liverpool rearguard after joining from Brighton in 1981. The European Cup win was perhaps his finest hour in seven seasons in a red shirt. He wandered between England and the United States after leaving Merseyside in 1988, and tried his hand, briefly and unsuccessfully, as a manager. Now well known in Britain a media pundit and columnist.
3. Phil Neal
The most decorated player in Liverpool history, Neal's winners' medal in Rome was his fourth, having been present for the triumphs in 1977, 1978 and 1981. A fixture at right-back for a decade – Neal made a record 365 consecutive league appearances between December 1974 and September 1983 – he once played half a season with a broken toe to ensure he retained his place. That he found the net in the final was little surprise – he was known to fans as 'Zico' due to the goals he contributed from defence.
4. Joe Fagan
One of the founding members of the mythical boot room, Fagan rounded off a memorable first season in charge of Liverpool with the 1984 triumph in Rome, having also led the Reds to the English title and League Cup. Although born in Liverpool, he never represented the club as a player, and only joined the coaching staff in 1958, famously walking to work every day from his house near Anfield until his 1985 retirement. Fagan continued to live there until 2001, when he passed away.
5. Graeme Souness
A no-nonsense Scottish midfielder, Souness's hard-man image and unyielding commitment disguised a player of touch, vision and class. Lifting the European Cup in 1984 was the Emperor of Anfield's final act as he ended six trophy-laden years with the club to join Sampdoria, with whom he won the Coppa Italia. Souness claimed honours as a manager (initially combining duties with playing) at Rangers, Liverpool, Galatasaray and Blackburn, and is now a TV pundit – a no-nonsense one, of course.
6. Sammy Lee
"If they are to get into the top three every side needs its hardworking bees, and Sammy was one of those bees," Phil Neal said of the diminutive Lee. On the books of his hometown club since he was 16, the industrious midfielder played all 67 games in 1983/84 and made nearly 300 appearances in all before exiting in 1986, at 27. Since retiring in 1991, Lee has held various coaching positions at Bolton, Liverpool, Southampton, England, Crystal Palace and, since December, as assistant with the Reds' arch-rivals Everton.
7. Ian Rush
A predatory striker, Rush remains Liverpool's record marksman having scored 346 goals in two spells at Anfield, which were separated by a spell at Juventus. The Welshman managed 47 in 1983/84 alone, his top-flight tally of 32 making him the first British recipient of the European Golden Shoe. Rush had a season as manager at Chester City but since 2005 he has worked as a TV pundit and in ambassadorial roles for the Reds.
8. Ronnie Whelan
"Our man for the big occasion," manager Bob Paisley once said of midfielder Whelan, who scored crucial goals in the Reds' 1982 and 1983 League Cup final successes. Dublin-born Whelan's brand of skill and sweat served the Reds for 15 years, yielding six league titles, three FA Cups and the 1984 European Cup. The midfielder picked up 53 caps for the Republic of Ireland and now works as a TV pundit in Ireland and on the after-dinner circuit.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Physician urges regular prostate cancer check-ups for men over 40

Adoga Michael Oyi

Dr Eniola Bahdmus, a general medical practitioner, has urged men who are over 40 years to undertake regular prostate cancer check–ups for early detection.
*Cancer cell
Bahdmus, who works with the National Hospital Abuja, gave the advice in an interview on Saturday in Abuja.
He said those with family history of the disease ought to make frequent checks in order to seek early treatment before complication sets in.
“Prostate cancer is probably the most common cancer among men, especially black men.
“For some unknown reason, men with darker pigmented skin are at a higher risk to suffer from prostate cancer.
“However, it is important that men of all races regularly check themselves as they age.
“Prostate cancer normally grows slowly within the prostate gland causing many people to discover they have it later,’’ she said.
According to him, most of the common types of prostate cancer are not seen to be as dangerous as other cancers because of their slow growth.
“However, there are other types of prostate cancer that grow aggressively and can spread faster than expected.’’
Bahdmus said prostate cancer does not give symptoms at the early stage.
“If an individual has regular prostate examinations, he will be able to detect the problem with his prostate and also help with successful treatment.
“An individual with an advanced prostate cancer might notice symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, trouble in urinating, blood in semen, decreased force in the stream of urine, bone pain and discomfort in the pelvic area,’’ Bahdmus said.
She urged men to book an appointment with their doctor if they have any signs or symptoms that worry them.
“Like other cancers, no one knows exactly what causes prostate cancer.
“We just know that prostate cancer begins when some cells in the prostate become abnormal.
“Changes in the abnormal cells’ cause the cells to multiply faster than normal cells.
“The accumulating abnormal cells form a tumour that can grow to infect surrounding tissues.
“Some abnormal cells can also break off and spread to other parts of the body,’’ she said.

Buhari congratulates Mike Adenuga @ 65

Adoga Michael Oyi

President Muhammadu Buhari on Saturday congratulated a business magnate , Chief Michael Adeniyi Adenuga , who turns 65 on Sunday.
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In a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity , Mr . Femi Adesina, the President said he joined family, friends and the business community in congratulating Adenuga .
He noted that the business man and philanthropist rose from a modest background, defied many odds, and realised his dream of setting up and grooming successful companies in the oil and gas, banking and telecom sectors .
The statement read, “The President commends the business mogul ’ s deep sense of loyalty and patriotism by investing in sectors that have created jobs for many Nigerians and added strong value in the provision of effective services that make life easier and more comfortable for many in the country , and across the African continent .
“Apart from creating jobs through entrepreneurship , President Buhari re- affirms that Chief Adenuga ’ s contribution to the development of sports and the entertainment industry remains remarkable , especially as both sectors of the economy continue to provide lifelines for many , and inspiring ingenuity and creativity .
“The President believes Chief Adenuga ’ s exploration and encouragement of youth entrepreneurship in the country will always be remembered , while his penchant for helping the less privileged through scholarships and healthcare financing deserves more commendations .
“President Buhari prays that the almighty God will grant the Otunba of Ijebu land longer life , good health and more wisdom to continue serving the country and humanity. ”

Maku urges politicians to desist from politics of violence

Adoga Michael Oyi

Labaran Maku, National Secretary of All Progressives Grand Alliance ( APGA ), has called on politicians to desist from politics of violence and give peace a chance in the country.
Maku, a former Minister of Information, made the call on Saturday in Lafia during his visit to communities in Lafia North to commission his billboards as an aspirant for Nasarawa State governorship election 2019.
According to him, politicians are largely responsible for the crisis in the country was facing due to their selfish ambitions.

He said that most of politicians who do not stand the chance of winning election often times cause crisis by using thugs and mercenaries to attack persons they perceive as opposing them.
Maku urged the electorate to be vigilant and to avoid “bad politicians” who promote violence instead of focusing on issues of development.
He said if elected as the next Governor of Nasarawa, he would ensure that farmers and grazers live peacefully. Maku called on the federal government to deploy more military personnel to crisis areas to check attacks.
The former minister inaugurated ten billboards in different communities in Lafia.

EXCLUSIVE: How APC governors clashed, tackled each other at party meeting

Heated arguments broke out among All Progressives Congress’ governors during a strategy meeting at the party’s national secretariat in Abuja on Wednesday, PREMIUM TIMES has learnt.
The governors held the meeting to discuss the party’s upcoming national convention and election of new party executives.
Party insiders told PREMIUM TIMES that the politicians also discussed the lingering controversies over the major candidates for the chairmanship position.
The seat is being hotly contested by the incumbent John Odigie-Oyegun and Adams Oshiomhole, a former governor of Edo State.
Our sources said halfway into the meeting, which held behind closed-doors late afternoon, serious confrontation erupted amongst the governors, first over the upcoming congresses.
PREMIUM TIMES learnt the party is planning to send officials to monitor congresses from outside their home states. Typically, state governors are allowed to send names of party members that they want to serve as officials during the congresses to the national headquarters.
The party’s convention committee is planning a modality that would randomise the posting of thevnominated congress officials, PREMIUM TIMES learnt. This would mean that congress officials nominated from Gombe State could end up officiating in Kogi State or another state further south.
Akeredolu takes on Okorocha
But this arrangement appears unacceptable to some governors, especially Rochas Okorocha of Imo State, PREMIUM TIMES learnt.
Mr Okorocha said officials must not be posted out of their states. He threatened to act decisively should the officials he nominated be posted out of his state.
But Governor Rotimi Akeredolu of Ondo State interjected, and called Mr Okorocha’s bluff. He said Mr Okorcha cannot do anything because he is not above the party and whatever decision the party ultimately takes would be biding on all its members. He challenged the Imo governor from threatening violence on the party and its members.
Other governors present eventually intervened and calmed frayed nerves.
Ajimobi, El-Rufai clash over Oshiomhole
As the meeting progressed, Mr Okorocha again sparked controversy when he said President Muhammadu Buhari had endorsed Mr Oshiomhole as the next chairman of the party.
Mr Okorocha said the president made the statement when they held a meeting with him earlier in the day.
But Governor Nasir El-Rufai who was amongst the governors who visited the president said Mr Okorocha’s claim was not true, our sources said.
Mr El-Rufai said the governors and the President would give all candidates equal support in the course of their campaigns.
But that was immediately countered by Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State who accused his Kaduna counterpart of double-dealing.
Before that meeting at the APC secretariat, Mr. El-Rufai was believed to be one of Mr. Odigie-Oyegun’s major backers. In fact the APC chairman believed the Kaduna governor was pushing his case vigorously with the President.
But Mr Ajimobi pointedly declared at the meeting that he and Mr El-Rufai met at the residence of Mr Oshiomhole on Tuesday night and wondered why the Kaduna governor continued to pretend that his loyalty remained solely with Mr. Odigie-Oyegun.
Mr Ajimobi said Mr El-Rufai pledged loyalty to Mr Oshiomhole and assured him of victory at the convention. Messrs Oshiomhole and Odigie-Oyegun are from Edo State.
Based on the party’s internal arrangement for its upcoming convention which said all slots must remain as they are, the chairman would have to emerge from Edo State.
While Mr Oshiomhole’s has covered huge ground in his quest for the chairmanship of the party, there are indications that some governors are still opposed to him because of his alleged connection to Bola Tinubu, an immensely influential figure in the party.
Mr Oshiomhole is widely seen as a candidate of Mr Tinubu. But governors like Mr Akeredolu who have political axe to grind with the former Lagos governor are heading for a showdown with him at the convention, our sources said.
Bolaji Abdullahi, a spokesperson for the APC did not return PREMIUM TIMES’s requests for comments Thursday night.
Protecting party’s image
One other issue that was a subject of intense bickering amongst the governors was on how to properly time their party’s upcoming activities in a way that would not portray the leadership as insensitive to the plight of Nigerians, PREMIUM TIMES learnt.
After observations were raised about the possibility of the congresses and convention clashing with this year’s Ramadan, some governors, especially Mr Okorocha and Abdulaziz Yari of Zamfara, canvassed the adjustment of the dates to a period that could coincide with the annual Muslim fasting of Ramadan.
But Mr El-Rufai strongly opposed this idea, slamming his colleagues for subscribing to an idea that could send out a wrong signal about the party’s strategies and care for its members and Nigerians.
Mr El-Rufai “asked what message the APC would be sending to Nigerians if the party failed to consider the holy month before fixing its activities,” one of our sources said.
Ultimately, the Kaduna governor won, as was later confirmed by Mr Abdullahi.
“We want to be sensitive to the feelings of Muslims who will be fasting in the month of Ramadan,” the spokesperson told reporters shortly after the meeting. “Therefore, we tried avoid conducting any political activity during the month of Ramadan.”
Furthermore, as the governors were emerging from the meeting, two of them were overheard ridiculing Messrs Okorocha and Yari for delaying in settling their ‘convention dues’ to the party and yet believing they have the moral right to push for the postponement of congresses and convention.

34 State Chairmen Of PDP, 3 Senators Defect To APC

Adoga Michael Oyi

Thirty-four State Chairmen of the Ali Modu Sheriff-led faction of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on Thursday, formally defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC).
They include Sen. Hope Uzodinma, Sen. Gbemisola Saraki and Sen. Teslim Folarin.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that the defectors were led to the APC National Secretariat, Abuja by Dr Cairo Ojougboh where they were received by the National Chairman of APC, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun.
Ojougboh, who was the Deputy National Chairman of the Sheriff faction of the PDP, said the decision of the defectors to join the APC had been on for seven months.
Odigie-Oyegun, who received the defectors in company of governors of Kaduna, Kano and Kogi states and the Secretary to the Federal Government (SGF) Boss Mustapha, described the development as the first in the history of the party.

´´ This is the first time this magnitude of event is happening since the amalgamation of the party and since the APC came into being.
´´It is the first time we are receiving a total party with all the structures all over the nation fusing into the APC.
´´We have three of our Governors from three of our most potent states and the SGF to be here and to receive you all, because seeing is believing,’’ he said.
He advised the defectors to ensure that they formally register as members of the party at the ward level, assuring that they would be accorded same privileges like old members.
´´Fortunately, you are men and women of quality, attainment and achievement, and so it will be easy for you to fit into your proper place and role in APC´´ Odigie-Oyegun said.
He, however, gave the defectors the party´s Constitution to study and for them to be abreast with it.
Sen. Uzodinma, who spoke on behalf of the defectors, thanked the APC leadership for accepting them into the party.He represents Orlu West Constituency of Imo in the Senate.
´´We have seen the goings on in our country.
‘’We think that as a country, it would take the very good sense of judgment and the participation of all of us to solve the problems of our people and develop our country.
´´We are here, officially, to let everyone know that we are now collapsing into APC.
‘’We ask for only one thing, the enabling environment and equal participation which you had graciously approved,´´ Uzodinma said.
He added that the coming of the defectors was deliberate, saying that it was to become part of the population of the APC and part of governance of the country.
He also said that their entrance into APC would change the narrative for the better and in the interest of their people.
Gov. Umar Ganduje of Kano state, who also spoke at the occasion, said the defection was historic because the most accepted faction of the PDP joined APC.
´´It is our luck that we are taking the better part of PDP, ´´ he said, adding the with the new entrance, APC was sure of victory in 2019 general elections.
He assured that being politicians of repute, the new members were in a familiar terrine.

Dino Melaye’s recall: Apathy trails exercise in Kogi

Adoga Michael Oyi

The ongoing process to recall Senator Dino Melaye has commenced with electorates showing reluctance to appear for verification.
As at 11:00am, DAILY POST correspondent, who visited some polling units in Lokoja, especially in Mopa, and Yagba East LGAs, reports that residents stayed away from the exercise.
At Amorley frontage, no electorate had appeared to be verified as of the time of this report.
Also at St Mary’s, Crowther, Lokoja club, and Nepa Frontage in Lokoja, it was same situation.
As at 11:01 a.m. in Lokoja club, out of 875 persons that reportedly signed the recall form, only two electorate had showed up to verify their signature.
This was greeted with controversy as they both claimed that they were not part of those making effort to recall the embattled senator.
In the list posted in the above polling units, our correspondent observed duplication of signatures.
A resident of the area Samuel Olukotun told our correspondent that his wife’s name was on the list, which according to him was forged.
According to him, “My wife Feyisayo Olukotun did not sign anything to recall Dino Melaye. This is a forged signature. I will sue any one behind this act”.
At Paparanda Square, the unit witnessed appearance of some electorate, but none of them had their signatures in the list.

At Ukwo Okoriko in Kogi Koton Karfe Local government, out of 440 electorate that signed the recall form, as at 11:20am, only eighteen people have showed up for the process.
Kogi Koton Karfe has 67 polling units.
In Mopa and polling units in Egbe, Yagba West, there was a complete boycott as of the time of this report with INEC and Security officials, sitting and waiting for electorates to appear for verification.

Buhari finally breaks silence on Obasanjo’s letter

Adoga Michael Oyi

President Muhammadu Buhari has finally reacted to the letter by former President Olusegun Obasanjo disparaging his administration.
Obasanjo, in the letter, had cautioned Buhari against seeking re-election, saying his government had failed Nigerians.
In a swift reaction, Buhari’s spokesperson, Femi Adesina, had said the president had ordered his aides against responding to Obasanjo’s letter.
But, speaking during a state banquet in his honour on Thursday night in Bauchi, the President said he initially stopped the Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed from responding but later allowed the Minister to react.
According to Buhari, “Tonight, I want to remind you people of what Lai Mohammed did when a letter was written on our failure as an administration. Lai Mohammed was agitated about replying, but I said no.
“I said no for two reasons: one, he is much younger than the person who wrote the letter and myself; two, he is from the same constituency as the person who wrote the letter.
“But when Mohammed came again, I said he should go out but he said he won’t go. I asked why and he said, let me give him a chance to say what he wanted, then I said go on.
“He said in what he would do, he would not mention names but only try to remind Nigerians what the country was when we came in, where we are now, and what we have done with the resources available to us.
“Eventually, I had to admit that he was right and I was wrong because a number of people who could get in touch with me have said that Lai did a good job. A lot of them are in the media… I am very happy with the performance of our party, the All Progressive Congress.”
